Three Things — August 2024

August was a month of minding the fine details. This summer has been more intense than most and threading the needle between what is and what could be has required introspection, consistency, and honesty.



This is a "New Band," as they have inscribed on their Instagram page. That's the extent of my knowledge of the biography of Orange Radio, a band that has released eight singles and nine songs over the end of spring and through the summer. What I also know is that the songs have been getting me through late-evening strategy planning, editing marathons, and drives home after a long day on-site, wherever that happens to be. I look forward to hearing what comes next and learning more over time. 
I've taken what they've released thus far and made a playlist to make listening through as frictionless as possible. 

TRAVERSING the Land of the Jinn By Sanya Dosani

From Acacia Magazine

My conversations with Gertrude were like a skeleton key that unlocked some of my heaviest stuck emotions. It turned out that all I really needed was the space to talk about them freely for as long as I wanted, without fear or shame.
— Traversing the Land of the Jinn By Sanya Dosani, Acacia Magazine Issue 1


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I had the good fortune of being asked to photograph Butterbee Farms for their autumn floral community-supported agriculture offerings. I've hardly been oriented to or engaged with farms of any kind in my lived experience up to now, so to step in and try to find the rhythm of this space was going to be an interesting opportunity. 
I am pleased with the results.

Three Things — SEPTEMBER 2024


Three Things — July 2024